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2 replies [Siste innlegg]

I am planing a climbing trip to Blamann to do some aid climbing routes.
Could someone tell me if the routes in Blamann have bolted belays?.
Thanks a lot

Anonym (ikke bekreftet)

No, they don't. (Except for two places where some repeaters chickened out.)
And please keep it that way!
If you are able to aid these routes, you are also able to build your own belay using natural protection.
Please don't nail (using hammer and pitons) on the existing free routes Ultima thule, Atlantis or Arctandria. These all go clean. There are some fixed pro a few places where clean aid is not possible.

Anonym (ikke bekreftet)

And of course, ENJOY this magnificent wall!
(Sorry for the harsh tone above, but prevention is the key to preservation..)

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