Looking for climbing partner

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Joined: 27.09.2011

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My name is Reyer van Gils, I am a 31 year old climber from Holland. I just came arrived in Tromso, and plan to stay atleast for the summer and maybe longer (If I can find a job!).
I am very excited to go climbing on Kvaloya!!! mostly I love to freeclimb long trad multipitches, but also I am looking forward to gain experience with aidclimbing.
I am looking for a climbing partner, and ofcourse also for some people to hang out with, because I dont know anyone in Tromso. My Climbing level for trad onsight on long routes should be around norwegian 7/7+, and getting up something till 8 should be not too much of a problem. (this is a bit of a guess because I never climbed in Norway and heard the grades can be pretty stiff!)
I would love to meet climbers, and have lots of adventures and good times!!! 
Also I am very much in need of finding work around Tromso for this summer, if anybody knows something on this part  that would be absolutely welcome!! I have a Bachelor in Hotel Management, and alot of experience in international hospitality and tourism business. 
Hope to meet soon and get on the rocks!!!! 
Best regards!!!
Reyer van Gils

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